Ok Lou,

Let's find you a place at Ultimar or Dan's Island !
This search page shows all available less than $1,150,000
Our strategy is that we want an offer
of less than $1M to be accepted.

Regatta Beach Club
2 Bedroom Market Analysis
MLS Data June 4, 2024

Bullet Points Example

C709 Current Market Value Perspective:

  • $648k based on 1 sale + 1 Pending
  • $625k based on 4 Cancelled listings
  • $672k IF the 9 Current Active Listings sell at list price

Regatta Beach Club
2 Bedroom Market Analysis
- Prior 6 months

Note: Spreadsheet can be scrolled to the right to reveal additional fields

Regatta Beach Club
Market Analysis ALL UNITS
– Prior 6 months

(Active, Pending, Sold, Cancelled)
Note: Spreadsheet can be scrolled to the right to reveal additional fields